Our FAQs
General Queries/ Switching
It is easy to switch to Voltx in 3 simple steps:
- Please check your contract period from current supplier for a notice period & whether any termination fees or exit charges are applicable for you. Get a quote from Voltx Team.
- You agreed to a quote & sign the contract, please provide 30 days’ notice to your current supplier. We will then register you with supply start date.
- On your transfer date you will receive a welcome email including useful information related to your supply. If your meter is not a smart meter, we will expect you to provide an electricity meter read within +/- 5 days from your switch date/ supply start date. This will ensure that the closing bill with your old supplier & opening bill with Voltx Power will be accurate.
Please check your contract or Bill
to find out the details about your tariff. If you need more assistance, please contact our Support Team on below details:
Telephone Number: +44 1908 772312
E-Mail: support@voltx.azurewebsites.net
- You would be able to switch to another supplier when your contract with us ends,
- We would need you to give us notice of your intention to switch as per T & C’s of your contract.
- Check if all outstanding dues are cleared before you switch to another supplier so that we could release you.
- If your meter is not a smart meter, please provide final reading on the transfer date.
We do not encourage early switching as we have reserved energy for you until your supply contract with us.
- An early termination fee would be applicable to you which would be calculated as per the T & Cs of your supply contract.
- Check if all outstanding dues are cleared before you switch to another supplier along with the early termination charges so that we could release you.
- If your meter is not a smart meter, please provide final reading on the transfer date.
Following are some terminologies on the bill:
- Account No– You can provide this number to us upon your query to find your Account quickly.
- MPAN: This is your unique Meter Point Identification no.
- Contract end date – This is the point at which your contract will come to an end.
- Billing Reference Number-This is a unique number assigned for every bill. You can provide this to Voltx Team member if you have any query related to your bill.
- Statement Date– The date on which the bill is produced.
- Bill Generated on– This is the date on which your bill is generated.
- Supply Address– Site address for which the bill is generated.
- Meter Type– Type of meter on site e.g. AMR, SMETs 1, SMETs2, HH, Unmeasured, etc.
- Meter Serial No– This is also known as meter id or MSN. If this does not match with the meter on site, please contact us.
- Billing Period– This will be the period for which you have been billed.
- Balance carried forward– If any balance from last bill in pending, it will be reflected here.
- Total Amount: Here you will find the amount which will be taken from your account (s). If this is a minus number this indicates that your account is in credit.
- Date your direct debit: This is the date your payment will come out of your account.
- Additional Charges –
- Climate Change Levy (CCL):The CCL is a government-imposed environmental tax on commercial energy in the UK. CCL is charged only on units/kWh used.
- DUoS (Distribution Use of System) charges – DUoS (Distribution Use of System) charges consist of:
- Availability charge – also known as KVA and Agreed Supply Capacity (ASC) charge
- Excess availability charge – charged if the Agreed Supply Capacity is exceeded
- Reactive power
- Daily charge or Standing charge
- Unit rates – there are three-time band periods in which these rates are split into; Red, Amber and Green. We use the time banding that is created by the regional distribution companies, these are different depending upon the company supplying that region.
Depending on the meter type and the product supplied some or all of these charges will be payable.
- VAT (Value added tax) – VAT for your business energy is charged at the current standard rate of 20%.
However, you may be eligible for VAT reductions on your business energy. If your average daily usage must be no more than 33kWh per day or 1000 kWh per month of business electricity, then you are eligible for VAT rate of 5%.
- Key for meter reads – The key shows what we’ve based your consumption on, for example the meter reads.
Reading key:
C = Customer
E = Estimate
D = Deemed
R = Routine
S = Smart
O = Opening
F = Final
I = Initial
T = Reconcile Read
- The energy component
- Contracts for Difference (CFD)
- Feed in Tariff (FIT)
- Renewable Obligation (RO)
- Capacity Market
- Settlement Charges
- DUoS
- Meter Operator Charges (MOP) if applicable in your case
- Data Collector (DC) if applicable in your case
- Data Aggregator (DA) if applicable in your case
- Excess Capacity Charges if applicable in your case & for HH meters
- Reactive power charges if applicable in your case & for HHmeters
- Climate Change Levy if applicable in your case
- VAT if applicable in your case
If we do not receive your actual meter read, we would estimate your consumption based on your usage for that particular month. To avoid estimation, you are requested to send us a meter read along with a photograph of your meter towards the end of you billing cycle.
We would appreciate if you can provide an actual meter read at least once in 4 to 6 months so that we can understand your consumption pattern.
Electricity meters come in different forms, each having a different type of display such as standard electromechanical meters, electronic meters, smart meters, and digital meters. Your meter may be single rate or multi rate. Please find below steps to know the meter type & how to read it:
- Single rate Revolving Disk meter:
Make a note of the number, reading from left to right. Please ignore the figures in red or surrounded by a red box. The reading in below image is 44955.3
- Single rate Digital meter:
Make a note of the number, reading from left to right. Please ignore the figures post decimal point. The reading in below image is 44378.34.
- Single rate Dial meter:
Each dial turns in the opposite direction to the one before it. Before you read your dial meter, check the direction of your dials. They may not be exactly as those illustrated above. Every dial on every meter revolves from 0 – 9. To read correctly
- Read the dials from left to right
- If the pointer is between the two numbers, always take the lower number
- If the pointer is directly over a number, write down that one
- Don’t read the last dial on the right
- In the below example, the dial meter reading shows as 44928
2 rate Revolving Disk meter:
The top row, marked ‘Low’, represents night and displays how many units of off-peak electricity you have used. The bottom row, marked ‘Normal’, represents day and displays how many units of peak electricity you have used. To read the meter, you must read both the top and the bottom rows, writing down the numbers displayed from left to right and ignoring any numbers that are in red or in a red surround.
You will read below meter as : 251997- Low (night) & 133995-Normal (Day)
2 rate Digital meter:
Make a note of the number, reading from left to right. Please ignore the figures post decimal point. The reading in below image is 44378.34 & 65404.65
If you are using a 2 rate meter, below information will help you to identify the meter & tariff type.
Economy 7 meter:
Economy 7 meters work in much the same way as standard meters, the only difference being that these variable rate meters give two readings – one for daytime hours and one for night, where a discounted rate is usually applied. For Economy 7 meter, you get access to cheaper electricity for seven hours each night.
Economy 10 meter:
Economy 10 offers ten hours of discounted, ‘off-peak’ rates, usually a combination of three afternoon hours, two evening hours, and five overnight hours, and meters can measure the amount of energy you use in these hours, alongside your daily usage rate.
It’s important to supply reading at the beginning of a contract and when you are planning to make any changes to your arrangements with us. It would be appreciated if you can provide an actual meter read at least once in 4 to 6 months. There are 2 ways you can provide us with a reading:
Telephone Number: +44 1908 772312
E-Mail: support@voltx.azurewebsites.net
Depending on your eligibility, we will install an AMR (automatic meter read) or smart (SMETS2) meter for your electric supply. Please get in contact with our Support Team on below email & contact no & they will arrange a convenient install date and time.
Phone: +44 1908 772312
E-Mail: support@voltx.azurewebsites.net
Our Credit Control team will get in touch with you for a non-payment via email. If you do not respond to the first email in reasonable time another reminder email will be sent to you. Your case would be then handed over to a 3rd party payment collection agent. If you still fail to pay your energy bill, we may de-energise or disconnect your meter, and require a security deposit before we reconnect your meter. We will apply for a warrant to enter your property, to disconnect your supply. You will have to bear all administrative charges apart from your energy bill amount.
Your current contact end date would be on your bill. If you wish to renew with us, please contact your Broker (TPI). If you are no longer engaged with your Broker, please contact our Customer Service Team via our web site or phone.
Your current contact end date would be on each month’s bill, customer portal & your contract. It is your responsibility to renew your contract with us un time. We will also be sending you a reminder to renew your contract 90 days prior to the end of your current contract with us. If you do not renew your contract, Deemed Contract Rates will be applied. Once the contract is renewed you will be set on the revised rates.
Please make sure that you include Voltx email ids in your safe sender list so that you do not miss out on important emails & updates.
Change of Tenancy
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are moving out of a property. This is important because if we are not aware of this, you will be legally considered as responsible for the supply as well as associated costs.
On the day you are moving out of the property, please provide us closing meter read & new address so that we can generate Final bill & send you the bill to your new address.
Please call us with a meter reading and tell us the date you moved. Our Tenders team will contact you & set up new account with your business name.
It takes us around 10 working days to change your billing and supply details to your new address.
If you’ve been waiting for over 10 working days, please give us a call.
Please contact our Accounting Team & they will help you with your requirement.
Subject to your contract, you can pay us by Direct Debit, BACS.
Credit Note is issued in case of any incorrect billing is done. Some cases when the credit note can be issued are as below:
- When you have been over charged for your energy.
- The credit note corrects the value on the previous bill.